Calle 60 Centro de Convenciones Yucatán Siglo XXI
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Horario de hoy 08:00:00 - 17:00:00
The Great Museum of the Mayan World of Merida is a museum located in the city of Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico.
The building that houses the museum was recognized in 2013 the CIDI Ibero-American Prize for Emblematic Work of the Year 2013 in Architecture, Interior Design, Museum, Lighting and Building awarded by the Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers (CIDI) .1 On the other hand, It also generated among architecture academics a rejection of the work, not only because it was involved in a controversial process of excessive indebtedness of 143 million pesos a year for 20 years ($ 2,860 million in total) for a museum2 as well as a inadequate transfer of parts, during which many suffered irreparable damage, so that these pieces are not exposed3
As groups of local architects have expressed their support for this monumental work of the governor in turn, other academics of the same branch, have considered that it is "a nest of emptiness" and "lack of ethics, aesthetics remains "according to the portal specialized in architectural projects Arquine4 and the researcher of the INAH Yucatán Center, José Luis Sierra Villarreal
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